Navigating Our Club Policies: Keeping Your Experience Positive and Informed

At the Watsonia 50s Plus Club, we’re committed to fostering an environment that is inclusive, welcoming, and transparent. To help you understand how our club operates, we’ve compiled important policy documents for you to peruse. These documents encapsulate the guidelines, rules, and conditions that ensure the smooth functioning of the club, and in turn, enrich your experience with us. We encourage you to take a moment to become familiar with these policies.

Addressing Concerns Through Our Grievance Policy

Ensuring the dignity and well-being of our members is paramount. The Grievance Policy outlines the procedures for lodging complaints and resolving disputes, upholding our commitment to fairness and respect for all.

Trips and Events: Your Guide to Organised Fun!

Our club offers a diverse range of trips and events for both members and non-members. The Trips and Events Policy details the guidelines for participating in these activities, making certain that everyone has a safe and enjoyable time.

Membership Terms and Conditions: Your Commitment to Community

Becoming a member of the Watsonia 50s Plus Club is not just about enjoying activities; it’s about being part of a community. Our Membership Terms and Conditions lay out the obligations and expectations for members, ensuring that everyone contributes to a positive and supportive environment.